BRBLU03-101A0-02 is a EZURiO range of Professional Bluetooth products and is the world's first Bluetooth USB adapter that has been designed specifically to deliver the high data rates of modern technology. Designed with the most advanced Bluetooth features in a product that has been engineered to ensure the highest quality and reliability. This is a professional product designed for system critical use where robustness and reliability are critical. Power is a key performance indicator. The EZURiO professional range has a highly optimised radio that works at an extended range at around 10% of the power consumption of other Bluetooth solutions. This unprecedented power control ensures that user products work for longer. The USB adapter contains a fully compliant Bluetooth HCI interface enabling it to run with any approved Bluetooth protocol stack. With Microsoft Windows XP SP2 and Windows CE this is truly plug and play.
Best in class range, providing open field connectivity in excess of 300m
Adaptive Frequency hopping to cope with interference from other wireless products
A full industrial operating temperature range
Automatic high speed performance with data rate up to 3Mbps
Supports extended SCO to provide the highest quality voice communications
Optimised receive sensitivity to provide long range initial connections eliminate hysterisis