The 2430 1kW Pulse SourceMeter offers the same DC source and measurement ranges as the Model 2425 100W SourceMeter, plus a unique 1kW pulse mode that extends the upper current limit to 10A. This mode makes the Model 2430 ideal for measuring the breakdown voltage of many types of high-power devices, including multi-layer varistors (MLVs) and semiconductor components. During production testing of these devices, breakdown voltage is often measured under a high current pulse of up to 10A. The Model 2430 combines programmable bipolar voltage and current sourcing of up to 10A @ 100V (pulsed) with all the high-speed testing capabilities common to the Series 2400 family. The Model 2430 can be programmed to produce individual pulses or pulse trains up to 5ms wide and with varying duty cycle on most source ranges. Pulses up to 2.5ms long and an 8% duty cycle can be programmed on the instrument's 1kW range.
- Five instruments in one (IV Source, IVR Measure)
- Seven models: 20 - 100W DC, 1000W pulsed, 1100V to 1?V, 10A to 10pA
- Source and sink (4-quadrant) operation
- 0.012% basic measure accuracy with 5?-digit resolution
- 2-, 4-, and 6-wire remote V-source and measure sensing
- 1700 readings/second at 4? digits via GPIB
- Pass/Fail comparator for fast sorting/binning
- Available high speed sense lead contact check function
- Programmable DIO port for automation/handler/prober control
- Standard SCPI GPIB, RS-232, and Keithley Trigger Link interfaces
- Keithley LabTracer 2.0 I-V curve tracing application software (download)
传感与仪器, 信号处理, 测试与测量