The ISL83202IBZ is a medium-frequency H-Bridge FET Driver capable of 1A (typical) of peak drive current that is designed to drive high- and low-side N-channel MOSFETs in medium voltage applications. Optimized for PWM motor control and uninterruptible power supply systems, enables simple and flexible bridge-based design. With typical input-to-output propagation delays as low as 25ns and with a user programmable dead-time range of 0.1 to 4.5μs, the ISL83202 is ideal for switching frequencies up to 200kHz. The dead-time of the ISL83202 is programmable via a single resistor. The ISL83202's four independent driver control inputs (ALI, AHI, BLI and BHI) allow driving of every possible switch combination except those that would cause a shoot-through condition. A global disable input, DIS, overrides input control and causes the ISL83202 to refresh the bootstrap capacitor when pulled low. Integrated under-voltage protection and shoot-through protection ensure reliable system operation.
- Independently drives 4 N-channel FETs in half bridge or full bridge configurations
- 70VDC Bootstrap supply max voltage
- Drives a 1000pF load in free air at +50°C with rise and fall times of 15ns (typical)
- User-programmable dead time from 0.1 to 4.5μs
- DIS (Disable) overrides input control and refreshes bootstrap capacitor when pulled low
- Input logic thresholds compatible with 5 to 15V logic levels
- Shoot-through protection
- Under-voltage protection
电源管理, 电机驱动与控制, 计算机和计算机周边