The IS82C55AZ is a CMOS Programmable Peripheral Interface manufactured using a self-aligned silicon gate CMOS process (Scaled SAJI IV). It is a general purpose programmable I/O device which may be used with many different microprocessors. There are 24 I/O pins which may be individually programmed in 2 groups of 12 and used in 3 major modes of operation. The high performance and industry standard configuration of the 82C55A make it compatible with the 80C86, 80C88 and other microprocessors. Static CMOS circuit design insures low operating power. TTL compatibility over the full military temperature range and bus hold circuitry eliminates the need for pull-up resistors. The Intersil advanced SAJI process results in performance equal to or greater than existing functionally equivalent products at a fraction of the power.
- Pin-compatible with NMOS 8255A
- 24 Programmable I/O pins
- Fully TTL compatible
- Direct bit set/reset capability
- Enhanced control word read capability
- L7 Process
- 2.5mA Drive capability on all i/o ports
- 10mA Low standby power (ICCSB)
车用, 成像, 视频和目视, 传感与仪器, 射频通信, 信号处理