The ICM7218DIJI is a 8-digit LED microprocessor-compatible multiplexed display Decoder Driver with marking. The universal LED driver system provides the circuitry necessary to interface most common microprocessors or digital systems to an LED display. Included on-chip are an 8-byte static display memory, two types of 7-segment decoders, multiplex scan circuitry and high current digit and segment drivers for either common cathode or common anode displays. The 1CM7218D features two control lines, 4 separate display data input lines and 3 digit address lines. Display data is written into the internal memory by setting up a digit address and strobing the WRITE line low. Only hexadecimal and code B formats are available for display outputs.
- Output drive suitable for LED displays directly
- Data retention to 2V Supply
- Shutdown turns OFF display and puts chip into low power dissipation mode
- Decimal point drive on each digit
- Common cathode display
发光二极管照明, 成像, 视频和目视, 消费电子产品