The DG441DYZ is a single-pole single-throw (SPST) monolithic quad CMOS Analog Switch drop-in replacements for the popular DG201A and DG202 series devices. It includes four independent single-pole single-throw (SPST) analog switches, TTL and CMOS compatible digital inputs and a voltage reference for logic thresholds. This switch features lower analog ON resistance (<250ns) compared to the DG201A and DG202. Charge injection has been reduced, simplifying sample and hold applications. The improvements in this series switch are made possible by using a high voltage silicon-gate process. An epitaxial layer prevents the latch-up associated with older CMOS technologies. The 44V maximum voltage range permits controlling 40VP-P signals. Power supplies may be single ended from 5 to 34V, or split from ±5 to ±20V. The four switches are bilateral, equally matched for AC or bidirectional signals. The ON resistance variation with analog signals is quite low over a ±5V analog input range.
- Low charge injection
- TTL/CMOS Compatible
- Single or split supply operation
- Fast switching action
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