The IRS2336DSPBF is a 3-phase high voltage high speed power MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver IC with three high-side and three low-side referenced output channels for 3-phase applications. This IC is designed to be used with low-cost bootstrap power supplies the bootstrap diode functionality has been integrated into this device to reduce the component count and the PCB size. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies have been implemented in a rugged monolithic structure. The floating logic input is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs, down to 3.3V logic. A current trip function which terminates all six outputs can be derived from an external current sense resistor. Enable functionality is available to terminate all six outputs simultaneously. An open-drain FAULT signal is provided to indicate that a fault has occurred. Fault conditions are cleared automatically after a delay programmed externally via an RC network connected to the RCIN input.
Integrated bootstrap functionality
Over-current protection
Over-temperature shutdown input
Advanced input filter
Integrated dead-time protection
Shoot-through (cross-conduction) protection
Under-voltage lockout for VCC and VBS
Enable/disable input and fault reporting
Adjustable fault clear timing
Separate logic and power grounds
3.3V Input logic compatible
Tolerant to negative transient voltage (dV/dt immune)