The IRS23364DSPBF is a high voltage high speed power MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver with three high-side and low-side referenced output channels for 3-phase applications. Proprietary HVIC and latch immune CMOS technologies have been implemented in a rugged monolithic structure. The floating logic input is compatible with standard CMOS or LSTTL outputs. An open-drain FAULT signal is provided to indicate that a fault has occurred. Fault conditions are cleared automatically after a delay programmed externally via an RC network connected to the RCIN input. The output driver features a high-pulse current buffer stage designed for minimum driver cross-conduction. Shoot-through protection circuitry and a minimum dead-time circuitry have been integrated into this IC. Propagation delays are matched to simplify the HVICs use in high frequency applications. The floating channels can be used to drive N-channel power MOSFETs or IGBTs in the high-side configuration, which operate up to 600V.