The SAK-C167CS-L40M CA+ is a 16-bit single-chip CMOS Microcontroller combines high CPU performance (up to 20 million instructions per second) with high peripheral functionality and enhanced IO-capabilities. It also provides clock generation via PLL and various on-chip memory modules such as program ROM, internal RAM and extension RAM. The architecture combines advantages of both RISC and CISC processors and of advanced peripheral subsystems in a very well-balanced way. In addition the on-chip memory blocks allow the design of compact systems with maximum performance.
High performance 16-bit CPU with 4-stage pipeline
80/60/50ns Instruction cycle time at 25/33/40MHz CPU clock
16 Priority-level interrupt system with 20 Sources, sample-rate down to 40ns
8-channel Interrupt-driven single-cycle data transfer facilities via peripheral event controller
Clock generation via on-chip PLL, via prescaler or via direct clock input
8kB On-chip extension RAM (XRAM)
32kB On-chip Mask ROM
24-channel 10-bit ADC with programmable conversion time down to 7.8μs
Two 16-channel capture/compare units
4-channel PWM unit
Two multi-functional general purpose timer units with 5 timers
Two serial channels (synchronous/asynchronous and high-speed-synchronous)
Two On-chip CAN Interface (Rev. 2.0B active) with 2 x 15 Message objects (Full CAN/Basic CAN)
Up to 16MB external address space for code and data
Idle and power down modes
Programmable watchdog timer and oscillator watchdog