The SAF-XE164F-96F66L AC is a 16-bit 1-chip 768-byte flash Real Time Signal Controller combines advantages of RISC, CISC and DSP processors with an advanced peripheral subsystem in a well-balanced design. On-chip memory blocks allow the design of compact systems-on-silicon with maximum performance. This device extends the functionality and performance of the C166 family in terms of instructions, peripherals and speed. It combines high CPU performance (up to 80million instructions per second) with extended peripheral functionality and enhanced IO capabilities. Optimized peripherals can be adapted flexibly to meet the application requirements. This derivative utilizes clock generation via PLL and internal or external clock sources.
High-performance CPU with five-stage pipeline
One-cycle multiply and accumulate (MAC) instructions
Enhanced Boolean -bit manipulation facilities
Zero-cycle jump execution
Additional instructions to support HLL and operating systems
Register-based design with multiple variable register banks
Fast context switching support with two additional local register banks
Selectable external inputs for interrupt generation and wake-up
Clock generation from internal or external clock sources, using on-chip PLL or prescaler
Multi-functional general purpose timer unit with 5 timers
Programmable watchdog timer and oscillator watchdog