The IPL60R385CP is a 600V CoolMOS™ CP N-channel Power MOSFET provides all benefits of a fast switching SJ MOSFET while not sacrificing ease of use. Extremely low switching and conduction losses make switching applications even more efficient, more compact, lighter and cooler. ThinPAK is a new leadless SMD package for HV MOSFET. The new package has a very small footprint of only 64mm2 and a very low profile with only 1mm height. The significantly smaller package size, combined with benchmark low parasitic inductances, provides designers with a new and effective way to decrease system solution size in power-density driven designs.
Reduced board space consumption
Increased power density
Short commutation loop
Smooth switching waveform
easy to use product
Extremely low losses due to very low FOM RDS (ON) x Qg and Eoss
Qualified according to JEDEC for target applications
High current capability
Best-in-class performance ratio
Significant reduction of conduction and switching losses