The IPA60R190P6 is a N-channel power MOSFET with 650VDS drain source voltage. Infineon's CoolMOS™ P6 product family is designed to enable higher system efficiency whilst being easy to design in. CoolMOS™ P6 closes the gap between technologies which focus on delivering ultimate performance and those which concentrate more on ease of use.
Reduced gate charge (Qg)
Higher V th
Good body diode ruggedness
Optimized integrated Rg
Improved dV/dt from 50V/ns
CoolMOS™ quality with over 12 years manufacturing experience in Superjunction technology
Increased MOSFET dV/dt ruggedness
Extremely low losses due to very low FOM RDS (ON) x Qg and Eoss
Very high commutation ruggedness
Easy to use/drive
Improved efficiency especially in light load condition
Better efficiency in soft switching applications due to earlier turn-OFF