The IKW25N120H3 is a High Speed IGBT in Trench and field-stop technology with soft, fast recovery anti-parallel diode. The high speed device is used to reduce the size of the active components (25 to 70kHz). The high speed 3 family provides the best compromise between switching and conduction losses. The key feature of this family is a MOSFET-like turn-OFF switching behaviour, leading to low turn-OFF losses. Furthermore, up to 15% efficiency improvement can be achieved by implementing this technology in your design.
Designed specifically to replace planar MOSFETs in applications switching @ frequencies below 70kHz
Low switching losses for high efficiency
Fast switching behaviour with low EMI emissions
Optimized diode for target applications, meaning further improvement in switching losses
Low gate resistor selection possible (down to 5R) whilst maintaining excellent switching behaviour
Short-circuit capability
Excellent performance
Low switching and conduction losses
Very good EMI behaviour
Small gate resistor for reduced delay time and voltage overshoot
Best-in-class IGBT efficiency and EMI behaviour
Packaged with and without freewheeling diode for increased design freedom