The IHW30N135R3 is a Reverse Conducting IGBT with monolithic body diode. The 3rd generation of reverse conducting IGBT has been optimized for lower switching and conduction losses. Reduced power dissipation together with soft switching behaviour allows better thermal performance and EMI behaviour resulting in lower system costs. It features powerful monolithic body diode with low forward voltage designed for soft commutation only. It is suitable for rice cookers and other soft switching applications.
Excellent performance
Best-in-class conduction properties in VCE(sat) and Vf
Lowest switching losses, highest efficiency
Soft current turn-OFF waveforms for low EMI
Lowest power dissipation
Better thermal management
Surge current capability
Lower EMI filtering requirements
Excellent quality
Highest reliability against peak current
Very tight parameter distribution
High ruggedness, temperature stable behaviour
Easy parallel switching capability due to positive temperature coefficient in VCEsat