DK86064-2 development kit provides a simple and effective means of evaluating the MB86064 DAC. MB86064 is a dual 14bit 1GSa/s digital to analog converter, delivering exceptional dynamic performance. Each high performance DAC core is capable of generating multi-carrier, multi-standard communication transmit signals, suitable for 2, 2.5 and 3G systems. DAC data is input via two high speed LVDS ports. These operate in a pseudo double data rate mode, with data latched on both rising and falling edges. Alternatively, the device can be configured as a multiplexed dual port single DAC. To simplify system integration the DAC operates from a clock running at half the DAC conversion rate. Analog performance at high frequencies is enhanced by novel current switch and switch driver designs which provide constant data independent switching delay, reducing jitter and distortion.
- 100MHz generated bandwidth capability
- Proprietary performance enhancement features
- LVDS data and clock interface
- Register selectable on chip LVDS termination resistors
- 4 wire serial control interface (1.8V LVCMOS)
- Two 16k point programmable on chip waveform memories
- 590mW per DAC power dissipation at 800MSa/s
- 0.18um CMOS technology with triple well
- Performance enhanced EFBGA package
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