UMFT311EV is a development module which utilises the FT311D IC to develop USB accessories connecting to Android platforms via Android Open Accessory mode. It is a full speed USB host specifically targeted at providing access to peripheral hardware from an Android platform with a USB device port. The FT311D IC will bridge the USB port to any one of the six user selectable interface types like GPIO, UART, PWM, I2C Master, SPI Master, SPI Slave.
- Based on single chip USB Android Host FT311D IC
- Entire USB protocol handled on the chip
- 7 GPIO lines interface option
- USB error indicator pin
- 4 PWM channels option and I2C Master interface option
- 12MHz external crystal
- Standard USB Host connector to connect with Android USB Slave device
- 5V single supply operation
- Reduce development time
- Rapid integration into existing systems
消费电子产品, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器