The FT4232HQ-R is a 5th generation USB 2.0 High-speed (480Mbps) to UART IC. It has the capability of being configured in a variety of industry standard serial or parallel interfaces. The IC features 4 UARTs. Two of these have an option to independently configure an MPSSE engine, this allows the IC to operate as two UART/bit-bang ports plus two MPSSE engines used to emulate JTAG, SPI, I2C, bit-bang or other synchronous serial modes.
- Single chip USB to quad serial ports with a variety of configurations
- Entire USB protocol handled on chip, no USB specific firmware programming required
- USB 2.0 high-speed (480Mbps) and full-speed (12Mbps) compatible
- Two multi-protocol synchronous serial engine (MPSSE) on channel A and channel B
- Independent baud rate generators
- RS232/RS422/RS485 UART transfer data rate up to 12Mbaud (RS232 Data Rate Limited)
- FTDI's royalty-free virtual com port (VCP) and direct (D2XX) drivers
- Optional traffic TX/RX indicators can be added with LEDs and an external 74HC595 shift register
- Adjustable receive buffer timeout
- Support for USB suspend and resume conditions via PWREN#, SUSPEND# and RI# pins
- Highly integrated design
- FTDI FT232B style, asynchronous serial UART interface option
- Fully assisted hardware or X-On/X-Off software handshaking
- UART interface supports 7/8-bit data, 1/2 stop bits and odd/even/mark/space/no parity
- Auto-transmit enable control for RS485 serial applications using TXDEN pin
- Operational configuration mode and USB description strings configurable in external EEPROM over USB
- Low operating and USB suspend current
- Configurable I/O drive strength (4, 8, 12 or 16mA) and slew rate
- Supports bus powered, self powered and high-power bus powered USB configurations
- UHCI/OHCI/EHCI host controller compatible
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