The USBMULTILINK08E is an USB MON08 Multilink, a low cost development tool for NXP's 68HC08 flash MCUs. The MON08 Multilink provides in circuit emulation, debugging and programming through the 68HC08's standard MON08 serial debug/breakpoint interface.
- Universal development tool for all MON08 68HC08s
- Real time in circuit debug through MON08 interface
- Fast in circuit programming
- Auto detects baud rate and frequency
- Provides optional overdrive clock to target
- Small unobtrusive size (approx. 3inch x 2inch x 3/4inch)
- Supports 2V to 5.5V 68HC08s
- USB to MON08 interface
- Automatically cycles power for security checks (up to 125mA)