The TWR-K40X256是一个tower 系统模块 featuring the MK40X256VMD100 ARM Cortex-M4微控制器. It can 功能 as a standalone, 低成本 平台 用于the 评估 of the Kinetis K30和K40 系列 of微控制器(MCU)设备. The TWRPI-SLCD segment LCD daughter card is included as part of the TWR-K40X256. The K40X256微控制器包括 256KB of program 闪存 storage和an additional 256KB of FlexMemory非易失性存储that can be used as additional program 闪存存储器, data 闪存 or variable size/endurance EEPROM. The TWR-K40X256 operates as a standalone debug工具和can also be combined和used as part of the 模块 tower 系统开发平台. An onboard MC9S08JM60 based 开源JTAG (OSJTAG) circuit提供a JTAG debug 接口to the K40X256. The模块 features a socket that can accept a variety of different tower plug in模块 featuring传感器s, RF收发器s和more.
- 电容性触摸垫
- 集成, 开源JTAG
- SD卡槽
- MMA7660三轴加速度计
- 段位LCD塔式插入模块
- 塔式插入式(TWRPI)插座用于扩展
- 触摸TWRPI插座添加了对多种电容性触摸板的支持
- 塔式连接至USB, 以太网, RS232/RS485, CAN, SPI, I2C, Flexbus
- 电位器和四个LED
- 两个按钮和红外端口
消费电子产品, 通信与网络, 医用