The SPC5634MF1MLQ80 is a 32-bit automotive Microcontroller a family of system-on-chip (SoC) features high performance 90nm CMOS technology. The advanced host processor core of this automotive controller family is built on power architecture? technology. This family contains enhancements that improve the architecture's fit in embedded applications, includes additional instruction support for digital signal processing, integrates technologies such as an enhanced time processor unit, enhanced queued ADC, CAN and an enhanced modular input-output system. This device family is a completely compatible extension to MPC5500 family. The device has a single level of memory hierarchy consisting of up to 94kB on-chip SRAM and 1.5MB of internal flash memory. The device also has an external bus interface (EBI) for 'calibration'.
High performance e200z335 core processor
32-bit Power architecture book E programmer's model
Single issue, 32-bit Power Architecture technology compliant CPU
Thirty-two 64-bit general purpose registers (GPRs)
Memory management unit (MMU)
Separate instruction bus and load/store bus
Advanced microcontroller bus architecture (AMBA) crossbar switch (XBAR)
Enhanced direct memory access (eDMA) controller
Interrupt controller (INTC)
Frequency modulating phase-locked loop (FMPLL)
Calibration bus interface (EBI)
System integration unit (SIU)
Error correction status module (ECSM)
Boot assist module (BAM)
Periodic interrupt timer (PIT)
System timer module (STM)
Software watchdog timer (SWT)
Enhanced modular I/O system (eMIOS)
Second-generation enhanced time processor unit (eTPU2)
2 Deserial serial peripheral interface modules (DSPI)