The S9S12G96F0CLL is an ultra-reliable general purpose 16-bit Microcontroller based on enhanced S12 CPU with CISC architecture operates at a maximum frequency of 25MHz. The device incorporates 96kB internal flash, 8kB internal RAM, 3kB EEPROM, 12-channel 10-bit A/D converter and 86 general-purpose I/O pins. This device also features peripherals like three serial communications interface (SCI) and three serial peripheral interface modules (SPI).
High-speed S12 CPU 16-bit processing unit
Phase locked loop (IPLL) frequency multiplier with internal filter
4 to 16MHz Amplitude controlled pierce oscillator
1MHz Internal RC oscillator
Timer module (TIM) supporting up to eight channels
Pulse width modulation (PWM) module with up to eight x 8-bit channels
5V Analog comparator (ACMP)
Multi-scalable controller area network (MSCAN) module (supporting CAN protocol 2.0A/B)
On-chip voltage regulator (VREG)
Autonomous periodic interrupt (API)
Precision fixed voltage reference for ADC conversions
Optional reference voltage attenuator module to increase ADC accuracy