The MED-EKG is a low cost development board that allows users to rapidly prototype electrocardiogram (EKG/ECG) applications. Users can choose to develop EKG/ECG applications using the external analog components or by using the Flexis MM microcontroller's on chip analog modules or a mixture of both. MED-EKG is designed to work with the TWR-MCF51MM module and TWR-S08MM128 module. The TWR-MCF51MM-KIT features the 32bit MCF51MM256 microcontroller and the TWRS08MM128-KIT features the 8bit MC9S08MM128 microcontroller. Peripherals between these two 32bit and 8bit MCUs are either identical or compatible, they are called the Flexis devices.
- NXP tower system compliant and small form factor
- External connector to TWR-S08MM128 and TWR-MCF51MM MCU modules
- Includes the MC56F8006 DSC used for signal conditioning
- Electrodes embedded in development board for easy EKG signal detection using fingertips
- Open connector for any type of EKG electrodes for additional precision
- JTAG-ONCE connector for DSC programming
- Different jumper configurations to allow various signal conditions
- Low power