The MC33662LEF is a Local Interconnect Network (LIN) designed to support automotive networks in conjunction with a controller area network (CAN). As the lowest level of a hierarchical network, LIN enables cost-effective communication with sensors and actuators when all the features of CAN are not required. It integrates a fast baud rate (above 100kbps), as reported by the RXD pin for test and programming modes. It provides excellent EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) and radiated emission performance, ESD (electrostatic discharge) robustness and safe behaviour, in the event of a LIN bus short-to-ground or a LIN bus leakage during low power mode. This device is powered by SMARTMOS technology.
- Active bus wave shaping, offering excellent radiated emission performance
- Very high immunity against electromagnetic interference
- Low standby current in Sleep mode
- Over-temperature protection
- Local and remote Wake-up capability reported by the RXD pin
- Fast baud rate selection reported by RXD pin
车用, 安全