The DEMO56F8013-EE is an demonstration board for 56F8013 digital signal controller. The demonstration board includes a 56F8013 digital signal controller, RS232 interface, user LEDs, user pushbutton switches and a daughter card connector. The daughter card connector allows signal monitoring and expandability of user features.
- 56F8013, a 16bit 3.3V hybrid controller operating at 32MHz
- Joint test action group (JTAG) port interface connector, for an external debug host target interface
- RS232 interface, for easy connection to a host processor [U2 and P3]
- Daughter card connector, to allow the user to connect PWM, ADC, SCI, SPI or GPIO peripheral to DSC
- On board power regulation provided from an external 9V DC supplied power input
- Light emitting diode (LED) power indicator
- Six on board real time user debugging LEDs
- Manual RESET push button
- Manual interrupt #1 push button
- Manual interrupt #2 push button
消费电子产品, 工业, 电源管理, 替代能源, 医用, 电机驱动与控制