The RM8/I-3C90 is a Ferrite Core, RM8/I core size, 3C90 grade. RM/I core have round solid centre poles and round winding areas. On the outside the design is rectangular. Top and bottom of a core set are completely fl at, allowing good thermal contact with heat sinks. For applications other than filter inductors the centre hole in the RM core is not necessary. Inductance adjustment is generally not required. For wideband and power transformers core performance can be improved by using a solid centre pole. AL-values will be higher and less flux concentrations occur in the core because its cross section has become more uniform. Although RM cores were not designed for the function of power transformer or output choke they are frequently used for this purpose. Reason is the availability of a complete and standardized range of cores and accessories. For power applications a range of special, dual termination, coil formers is available.
- Simple assembly and mounting
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