The FAN7085MX_GF085 is a single high-side Gate Driver with reset input and built-in recharge FET. It is designed for high-voltage and high-speed driving of MOSFET or IGBT, which operates up to 300V. The high-voltage process and common-mode noise cancellation technique provide stable operation in the high-side driver under high-dV/dt noise circumstances. Logic input is compatible with standard CMOS outputs. The UVLO circuits prevent from malfunction when VCC and VBS are lower than the specified threshold voltage. Minimum source and sink current capability of output driver is 250 and 250mA. Built-in recharge FET to refresh bootstrap circuit is very useful for circuit topology requiring switches on low- and high-side of load.
Floating channel designed for bootstrap operation fully operational up to 300V
Tolerance to negative transient voltage on VS pin
Under-voltage lockout
CMOS Schmitt-triggered inputs with pull-down and pull-up