The SP813LEN-L is a low-power microprocessor Supervisory Circuit integrates myriad components involved in discrete solutions which monitor power-supply and battery in μP and digital systems. The SP813 series will significantly improve system reliability and operational efficiency when compared to solutions obtained with discrete components. The features of the SP813 series include a watchdog timer, a μP reset, a power fail comparator and a manual-reset input. The SP813 series is an ideal solution for systems in which critical monitoring of the power supply to the μP and related digital components is demanded.
- Debounced TTL/CMOS manual reset input (MR)
- RESET\ asserted down to VCC=1V
- Voltage monitor for power-fail or low-battery warning
- Independent watchdog timer - 1.6s timeout
- 60μA Maximum supply current
车用, 计算机和计算机周边, 自动化与过程控制, 传感与仪器