The SP485REN-L is a 1/10th unit load RS-485 Transceiver offers high receiver input impedance. It is a pin-to-pin equivalent to our existing SP485 product. The higher receiver input impedance allows for connecting over 400 transceivers on a single transmission line without degrading the RS-485 driver signal. The SP485R contains a half-duplex driver and receiver with tri-state control. However, the SP485R is intended for increased connections on a single bus compared to the original RS-485 specification. The RS-485 standard is ideal for multi-drop applications where one bus can contain many drivers and/or receivers. The RS-485 standard implementation allows up to 32 transceivers to be connected on to the data bus. RS-485 is also specified for driving higher speeds over long cable lengths of up to 4000ft. The SP485R exceeds the standard by allowing up to 400 receivers to share the bus.
High impedance on receiver inputs
Half-duplex configuration consistent with industry standard pin-out