The SBC6845 WITH 4.3"LCD是一个single电路板 computer based on ATMEL AT91SAM9G45处理器 with 4.3英寸LCD. The ARM926EJ-S based AT91SAM9G45 features the frequently demanded combination of user 接口功能ality和high data rate connectivity. This 高性能ARM内嵌型single电路板 computer (SBC)是一个compact电路板 with frequently used 功能s和also with small size. This电路板 comes with 4.3英寸size LCD 包括触摸屏 用于options, user can connect the LCD/TSP through one 2.54mm pitch 2*20引脚连接器 on电路板, the driver has already provided和user can use it already. The SBC6845 single电路板 computer is ready to run Linux 2.6.30 开源operating 系统和WinCE 6.0 operating 系统. The电路板 also has a compact和逻辑 layout和user can use it directly 用于their next内嵌型design which can help to shorten the time from 内嵌电路板 to products.
- 256MB NAND闪存
- 4MB数据闪存
- 音频输出端口
- CAN 2.0接口(带电源和信号隔离)
- 高速USB 2.0 主端口, 480Mbps
- 10/100 以太网端口(RJ45 带LED)
- SDHC卡槽(即插即用)
- 6*6 matrix键盘接口
- 由CPU扩展16个GPIO
工业, 传感与仪器, 医用, 通信与网络, 信号处理, 嵌入式设计与开发