The ZXGD3002E6TA is a Non-inverting Single MOSFET Gate Driver capable of driving up to 9A into a MOSFET or IGBT gate capacitive load from supply voltages up to 20V. With typical propagation delay times down to 2ns and rise/fall times down to 11ns this device ensures rapid switching of the power MOSFET or IGBT to minimize power losses and distortion in high current fast switching applications. The ZXGD3002E6 is inherently rugged to latch-up and shoot-through and its wide supply voltage range allows full enhancement to minimize on-losses of the power MOSFET or IGBT. Its low input voltage requirement and high current gain allows high current driving from low voltage controller ICs enables reduced parasitic inductance and independent control of rise and fall slew rates.
Fast switching emitter-follower configuration
2ns Propagation delay time
11ns Rise/fall time, 1000pF load
Low input current requirement
Separate source and sink outputs for independent control of rise and fall time
Optimized pin-out to ease board layout and minimize trace inductance