The ZSM560GTA is a 3-terminal under-voltage Monitor Circuit for use in microprocessor systems. The threshold voltage of the device has been set to 4.6V making it ideal for 5V circuits. Included in the device is a precise voltage reference and a comparator with built in hysteresis to prevent erratic operation. The ZSM560 features an open collector output capable of sinking at least 10mA which only requires a single external resistor to interface to following circuits. Operation of the device is guaranteed from one volt upwards, from this level to the device threshold voltage the output is held low providing a power on reset function. Should the supply voltage, once established, at any time drop below the threshold level then the output again will pull low.
- Power on reset generator
- Automatic reset generation
- Low standby current consumption
- Guaranteed operation from 1 volt
- Wide supply-voltage range
- Internal clamp diode to discharge delay capacitor
- 20mV Hysteresis prevents erratic operation
计算机和计算机周边, 传感与仪器, 车用, 便携式器材