The BSP75N is a 60V Self-protected Low Side MOSFET intended as a general purpose switch. The MOSFET features monolithic over temperature, over-current, over voltage (active clamp) and ESD protected logic level functionality. The MOSFET replaces electromechanical relays and discrete circuits. When an 'intelligent' MOSFET senses the presence of any one of these potentially catastrophic conditions, it protects both itself and the load connected to it. The integration of these protection functions therefore improves overall system reliability. The addition of features such as status flags also helps improve overall system performance by providing a diagnostics capability that can aid the isolation and rectification of faults within a vehicle. Self-protected MOSFET can be categorized as either low side devices, where the load is switched with reference to ground or high side devices, where the load is switched with reference to a floating point.