The CY7C65211-24LTXI is a full-speed USB Controller that enables seamless PC connectivity for peripherals with serial interfaces, such as UART, SPI and I2C. The CY7C65211 is also integrates CapSense and BCD compliant with the USB battery charging specification, Rev. 1.2. It integrates a voltage regulator, an oscillator and flash memory for storing configuration parameters, offering a cost-effective solution. CY7C65211 supports bus-powered and self-powered modes and enables efficient system power management with suspend and remote wake-up signals. It has a built-in USB 2.0 full-speed transceiver. The transceiver incorporates the internal USB series termination resistors on the USB data lines and a 1.5kR pull-up resistor on USBDP. It has a serial communication block (SCB). Each SCB can implement UART, SPI or I2C interface. A 256-byte buffer is available in both the TX and RX lines. The device supports UART hardware flow control.
- Integrated USB termination resistors
- Single-channel configurable UART interface
- Supports parity, overrun and framing errors
- Supports flow control using CTS, RTS, DTR, DSR
- GPIOs linked to CapSense buttons
- Supports bus-/self-powered configurations
- USB Suspend mode for low power
- Supports multi-master I2C
- General-purpose input/output (GPIO) pins
医用, 工业, 测试与测量, 自动化与过程控制, 通信与网络