1:1/ 10:1 Oscilloscope Probe - 60MHz
PC示波器, 10MHz带宽和100MSPS采样率
示波器, USB, PicoScope 2200A系列, 2x 模拟, 25 MHz, 200 MSPS, 16 kpts, 14 ns
数据记录器, 温度
示波器探头, 250 MHz, 无源, 600 V, 1:1, 10:1
PC Oscilloscope with 25MHz Bandwidth & 200MSPS Sample Rate
示波器, USB, 数字触发, PicoScope 2000 Series, 4x 模拟, 50 MHz, 1 GSPS, 32 Mpts, 7 ns
示波器, USB, 无探头, PicoScope 2200A 系列, 2x 模拟, 10 MHz, 100 MSPS, 8 kpts, 35 ns
示波器, USB, PicoScope 3000系列, 4x 模拟、16x 数字, 200 MHz, 1 GSPS, 512 Mpts, 1.75 ns
交流/直流电流夹, 用于示波器
示波器探头, 差分, 25 MHz, 1.4 kV, 20:1, 200:1, 通用示波器
示波器探头, 差分, 25 MHz, 700 V, 10:1, 100:1, All Makes & Models of Oscilloscopes
2000A AC/DC Current Clamp Probe
示波器, USB, 数字触发, PicoScope 2000 Series, 2x 模拟, 50 MHz, 500 MSPS, 32 Mpts, 7 ns
示波器, USB, 数字触发, PicoScope 2000 Series, 2x 模拟、16x 数字, 50 MHz, 1 GSPS, 32 Mpts, 7 ns
电流探头, BNC插头, 电流夹, 60 A, 10 mA, 示波器
数据记录仪套件, 16通道
示波器探头, 70 MHz, 高压差分探头, 7 kV, 100:1, 1000:1, All Makes & Models of Oscilloscopes
示波器, USB, 数字触发, PicoScope 2000 Series, 2x 模拟、16x 数字, 25 MHz, 200 MSPS, 16 kpts, 14 ns
示波器, USB, PicoScope 4000系列, 2x 模拟, 20 MHz, 80 MSPS, 32 Mpts, 17.5 ns
示波器探头, 100 MHz, 差分, 700 V, 10:1, 100:1, All Makes & Models of Oscilloscopes
通用无源示波器探头, x1/x10
示波器, USB, 数字触发, PicoScope 2000 Series, 2x 模拟、16x 数字, 100 MHz, 1 GSPS, 128 Mpts, 3.5 ns
测试探头连接器, 吊钩, 多功能, Pico技术0.1英寸间距端子和引脚