The TBU-CA065-050-WH is a High-speed Protector constructed using MOSFET semiconductor technology. It is designed to protect against faults caused by short circuits, AC power cross, induction and lightning surges. The TBU? low capacitance single bidirectional protector placed in the system circuit will monitor the current with MOSFET detection circuit triggering to provide an effective barrier behind which sensitive electronics will not be exposed to large voltages or currents during surge events. The TBU? device operates in approximately 1μs - once line current exceeds the TBU? device's trigger current. When operated, the TBU? device restricts line current to less than 1mA typically. When operated, the TBU? device will block all voltages including the surge up to rated limits. After the surge, the TBU? device resets when the voltage across the TBU? device falls to the Vreset level. The TBU? device will automatically reset on lines which have no DC bias or have DC bias below Vreset.
- Superior circuit protection
- Over-current and overvoltage protection
- Blocks surges up to rated limits
- ±25V ESD
- -55 to 125°C Operating temperature range
工业, 信号处理, 计算机和计算机周边, 测试与测量, 消费电子产品