The EN series from Bourns are self contained rotary optical encoders. It produces a 2bit quadrature signal which is suitable for digital systems where both magnitude and direction of adjustment must be provided. The EN series encoders are ideal for use as a digital panel control or as a position sensing device in applications where long life, reliability, high resolution and precise linearity are critical. The EN series encoder converts rotary input into electrical signals which can be used by microprocessors without A/D conversion. Typical applications include temperature control, speed control, position sensing, menu selection and volume control.
- 21mm x 16mm size
- Bushing or servo mount
- Square wave signal
- Resolution range from 25 to 256 cycles per revolution
- CMOS and TTL compatible
- Single 5V supply
- Maximum supply current is 26mA
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 75°C
- 5pin axial or radial/cables with/without connector
- Ball bearing option for high operating speed up to 3000rpm
消费电子产品, 音频, 工业