The APDS-9950 from Avago Technologies is a red, green, blue and clear (RGBC) light sensing and proximity detection sensor device. This device detect light intensity under variety of lighting conditions and through a variety of attenuation materials including dark glass. The proximity detection feature allows large dynamic range of operation for accurate distance detection. IR LED sink current is factory trimmed to provide consistent proximity response without requiring customer calibrations. An internal state machine provides the ability to put the device into a low power state in between proximity and RGBC measurements providing very low average power consumption. The colour sensing feature is useful in applications such as LED RGB backlight control, solid state lighting, reflected LED colour sampler or fluorescent light colour temperature detection. The integrated IR blocking filter makes this device an excellent ambient light sensor and colour temperature monitor sensor.
- RGB and clear colour sensing, proximity detector and IR LED in an optical module
- Colour light sensing with IR blocking filter
- Trimmed for calibrated 100mm detection
- Ambient light rejection
- Integrated IR LED and LED driver
- Maskable light and proximity interrupt
- Low power of 2.5μA sleep state
- 85μA wait state with programmable wait state timer from 2.4ms to > 7sec
- I2C bus fast mode compatible interface
- Small package of L 3.94mm × W 2.36mm × H 1.35mm
工业, 消费电子产品, 便携式器材, 传感与仪器