The ATXMEGA128A3U-AU is a high performance, low power AVR XMEGA A3U 8/16bit microcontroller in 64 pin TQFP package. The device has four analogue comparators, one two channel, 12bit digital to analogue converter, two sixteen channel, 12bit analogue to digital converters, 16bit real time counter (RTC) with separate oscillator and seven 16bit timer/counters.
- 128KB of in-system self programmable flash
- 2KB of EEPROM and 8KB of internal SRAM
- Operating voltage range from 1.6V to 3.6V
- Operating frequency of 32MHz
- 50 programmable I/O pins
- QTouch library support
- Programmable watchdog timer with separate on-chip ultra low power oscillator
- USB, three SPI, seven USART, two I2C and SMBus interfaces
- Four channel DMA controller
- Operating temperature range from -40°C to 85°C
嵌入式设计与开发, 工业, 电机驱动与控制, 自动化与过程控制, 通信与网络, 计量, 消费电子产品, 医用