ATSTK600-RC29 is a Routing card for the 32 pin megaAVR in TQFP socket supplements the Atmel STK600 Starter Kit. The AVR device connects to the STK600 using an innovative routing and socket card sandwich system which routes the signals from the device to the appropriate hardware. The routing cards sit between the generic socket card and the STK600. The routing system is purely passive. No electronic components route the signals. So all I/O pins are directly accessible on the connectors with no altering of the electrical behaviour. The routing card design provides a low cost solution to support upcoming devices as the socket is the cost driving factor. The routing card has one pair of electric pads underneath to mate with the STK600 spring loaded connector and in addition with one pair of pads on top where the socket card connector connects.
- Routing card for the 32 pin megaAVR in TQFP socket
- Low cost solution
- Supplements STK600
- Supports for devices like AVR-based Microcontroller, megaAVR MCU's
- Require socket card and a STK600 motherboard to support the selected device
自动化与过程控制, 车用, 建筑自动化, 通信与网络, 消费电子产品, 工业, 照明, 便携式器材, 电机驱动与控制, 传感与仪器