The ATSAM4N16BA-AU is a SMART SAM4N series 32-bit Flash Microcontroller based on the high-performance ARM Cortex-M4 RISC processor. It operates at a maximum speed of 100MHz and features 1MB of flash memory and 80kB of SRAM. Peripherals include six USARTs, three SPIs and three I2Cs for fast serial communication, as well as a 10-channel 12-bit ADC, a 10-bit DAC, PWM, timers and RTC. The device operates from 1.62 to 3.6 V. It is a medium range general purpose microcontroller with the best ratio in terms of reduced power consumption, processing power and peripheral set.
- ARM Cortex-M4 running at up to 100MHz
- Memory protection unit (MPU)
- Thumb?-2 instruction set
- Embedded voltage regulator for single supply operation
- Power-on-reset (POR), brown-out detector (BOD) and watchdog for safe operation
- 3 to 20MHz Resonator oscillators
- High precision factory trimmed internal RC oscillator with 4MHz default frequency
- Slow clock internal RC oscillator as permanent low-power mode device clock
- PLL up to 240MHz for device clock
- Temperature sensor
- Sleep, wait and backup modes
- Two 3-channel 16-bit timer counter blocks with capture, waveform, compare and PWM mode
- One 4-channel 16-bit PWM
- 32-bit low-power RTT and low-power RTC with calendar and alarm
- 256-bit General purpose backup registers (GPBR)
- Up to 3 USARTs with ISO7816, IrDA (only USART0), RS-485 and SPI mode
- Up to 4 two-wire UARTs
- Up to 3 two-wire interfaces (TWI)
- 1 SPI interface
- Three 32-bit parallel input/output controllers
计量, 消费电子产品, 建筑自动化, 自动化与过程控制