The ATDVK90CAN1是一个开发套件 用于Atmel AT90CAN AVR微控制器s. The电路板 设计to easily evaluate the product using演示 软件, the DVK90CAN1 can be plugged into the Atmel STK500 starter kit电路板 in order to use the AT90CAN128 with advanced features as variable VCC, variable VRef, variable XTAL,和支持 all AVR 开发工具. This st和alone电路板 has numerous serial 接口s (dual RS232, CAN, LIN, SPI & TWI)和on电路板 资源(keyboard, LED's, voltage reading, light和温度传感器s, & speaker).
- AT90CAN128 TQFP设备(3V或5V)
- AVR Studio 软件接口
- STK500 兼容
- ISP连接器用于片上ISP
- JTAG连接器 通过JTAG ICE用于片上ISP和片上调试
- 两个RS232C端口, 可连接RTS/CTS握手线
- 一个SPI端口, 1 TWI端口, 1 CAN端口带接收CAN和收发CAN LED
- 板载资源: 5个按键电路板, 8个LED,电压读数(0 - 12V)
- 模拟输入/输出连接器及多个接入点用于测试
车用, 通信与网络, 工业