The AT32UC3A0512-ALUT is a complete System-On-Chip Microcontroller based on the processor running at frequencies up to 66MHz. It is a high-performance 32-bit RISC microprocessor core, designed for cost-sensitive embedded applications, with particular emphasis on low power consumption, high code density and high performance. The processor implements a Memory Protection Unit (MPU) and a fast and flexible interrupt controller for supporting modern operating systems and real-time operating systems. Higher computation capabilities are achievable using a rich set of DSP instructions. The Peripheral Direct Memory Access controller (PDCA) drastically reduces processing overhead when transferring continuous and large data streams between modules within the MCU. The on-chip Brown-Out Detector monitors the power supply, the CPU runs from the on-chip RC oscillator or from one of external oscillator sources, a Real-Time Clock and its associated timer keeps track of the time.
- Compact 1-cycle RISC instruction set including DSP instruction set
- Read-modify-write instructions and atomic bit manipulation
- Multi-hierarchy bus system
- Internal high-speed flash
- Internal high-speed SRAM, single-cycle access at full speed
- Interrupt controller
- Universal serial bus (USB)
- Ethernet MAC 10/100Mbps interface
- Four universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitters
- Two master/slave serial peripheral interfaces (SPI) with chip select signals
- 5V Input tolerant I/Os
- Single 3.3V Power supply or dual 1.8 to 3.3V power supply
车用, 建筑自动化, 消费电子产品, 工业, 照明, 计算机和计算机周边