The ASP 8347是一个开发模块 that提供a proven 功能al unit 用于inclusion in OEM products. By embedding the ASP 8347, the parent 系统 can utilise the full 功能ality of the模块. Supplied with on电路板 operating 系统 (eCos和Linux options), IP stack和GNU 开发工具, the模块 支持 rapid product 开发 or alternatively the cost effective模块提供an efficient和commercially attractive enhancement to existing products. The two on电路板 gigabit以太网端口s和the高速USB 2.0端口s, lead to a powerful内嵌型模块 to meet demanding 通讯 requirements. 用于production volumes, the ASP 8347 card can be fully customised to meet application requirements.
- MPC8347处理器,内核速度266MHz/400MHz
- 提供Linux kernel (2.6. x)和eCos
- 140 引脚端口可通过板上Lattice FPGA配置
- 128MB/256MB, 64位 宽DDR RAM
- 32MB, 16位宽闪存
- 两个RS232针座
- 32位 PCI端口
- 单电源3V (直流端口或通过扩展端口)
- 典型电流2A, 3V
嵌入式设计与开发, 通信与网络