The SSM2220SZ is a 36V audio dual PNP Matched Transistor which has been optimized for use in audio applications. The ultra-low input voltage noise of the SSM2220SZ is typically only 0.7nV/√Hz over the entire audio bandwidth of 20Hz to 20kHz. The low noise, high bandwidth (190MHz) and offset voltage of 200μV maximum) make the SSM2220SZ an ideal choice for demanding low noise preamplifier applications. The SSM2220SZ also offers excellent matching of the current gain (ΔhFE) to about 0.5%, which helps to reduce the high order amplifier harmonic distortion. In addition, to ensure the long-term stability of the matching parameters, internal protection diodes across the base to emitter junction were used to clamp any reverse base to emitter junction potential. This prevents a base to emitter breakdown condition, which can result in degradation of gain and matching performance due to excessive breakdown current.
190MHz High gain bandwidth
0.3R Typical outstanding logarithmic conformance
200μV Maximum low offset voltage
Low voltage noise density at 100Hz, 1nV/√Hz maximum