The OP290GPZ is a high-performance micropower dual Operational Amplifier operates from a single supply of +1.6 to +36V. Input voltage range includes the negative rail allowing the OP290 to accommodate input signals down to ground in single supply operation. The OP290's output swing also includes ground when operating from a single supply, enabling zero-in and zero-out operation. The OP290 draws less than 20μA of quiescent supply current per amplifier, while able to deliver over 5mA of output current to a load. Input offset voltage is below 200μV eliminating the need for external nulling. Gain exceeds 700000 and common-mode rejection is better than 100dB. The power supply rejection ratio supply rejection ratio of under 5.6μV/V minimizes offset voltage changes experienced in battery powered systems. The low offset voltage and high gain offered by the OP290 bring precision performance to micropower applications.