The EVAL-CN0357-ARDZ is an Arduino form factor toxic gas sensor evaluation board. The CN0357 is a single supply, low noise, portable gas detector circuit using an electrochemical sensor. Electrochemical sensors offer several advantages for instruments that detect or measure the concentration of many toxic gases. Most sensors are gas specific and have usable resolutions under one ppm of gas concentration. This board uses the ADA4528-2, dual auto zero amplifier which has a maximum offset voltage of 2.5μV and 5.6μV/√Hz of voltage noise density. In addition, the AD5270-20 programmable rheostat is used rather than a fixed transimpedance resistor, allowing for rapid prototyping of different gas sensor systems. The ADR3412 voltage reference with 0.1% accuracy and 8ppm/°C drift. For applications where measuring fractions of ppm gas concentration is important, using the ADA4528-2 and the ADR3412 makes the circuit performance suitable for interfacing with a 16bit ADC such as the AD7790.
- CN0357 electrochemical sensor
- AD7790 16bit, single channel, ultra low power, sigma delta A/D converter
- ADA4528-2 5.0V ultralow noise, zero drift, RRIO, dual op amp
- ADR3412 micro power, high accuracy 1.2V voltage reference
- AD5270 1024 position, 1% resistor tolerance error, SPI interface and 50-TP memory digital rheostat
- AD8500 micropower precision CMOS operational amplifier
嵌入式设计与开发, 传感与仪器