The EVAL-CN0269-SDPZ circuit evaluation board is a high performance industrial signal level multichannel data acquisition circuit that has been optimized for fast channel to channel switching. This circuit utilizes AD7984 ADC, AD8475 precision selectable gain fully differential funnel amp, AD8065 145MHz FastFET Opamps, ADG5208 eight channel multiplexers, ADG5236 dual SPDT switch and ADR444 ultralow noise 4.096V LDO XFET voltage reference with current sink and source. A channel to channel switching rate of 250KHz between all input channels provides 16bit performance. The signal processing circuit combined with a simple 4bit up down binary counter provides a simple and cost effective way to realize channel to channel switching without an FPGA, CPLD or high speed processor. The counter can be programmed to count up or count down for sequentially sampling multiple channels, or can be loaded with a fixed binary word for sampling a single channel.
- 16 single ended and 8 differential inputs
- 1.33MSPS sampling rate
- 250KHz channel switching rate
测试与测量, 通信与网络, 工业