The EVAL-CN0234-SDPZ is a single supply, micropower toxic gas detector circuit evaluation board using an electrochemical sensor. This circuit comprises of ADA4505-2 op amp, ADR291 voltage reference, ADP2503 buck boost DC to DC converter and AD7798 sigma delta ADC. This circuit evaluation board is a single supply, low power battery operated, portable gas detector using an electrochemical sensor. The alphasense CO-AX carbon monoxide sensor is used in the example. This circuit uses the ADA4505-2, dual micro power amplifier, which has a maximum input bias current of 2pA at room temperature and consumes only 10μA per amplifier. In addition, the ADR291 precision, low noise, micropower reference consumes only 12μA and establishes the 2.5V common mode pseudo ground reference voltage. The ADP2503 high efficiency, buck boost regulator allows single supply operation from two AAA batteries and consumes only 38μA when operating in power save mode.
- Complete electrochemical sensor
- Low power
- Single power supply
系统监控, 传感与仪器