The EVAL-ADUM5211EBZ is an evaluation board for ADuM5211 dual channel digital isolator. This evaluation board also supports ADuM5210 and ADuM5212 isolators. The ADuM5210/ADuM5211/ADuM5212 are dual channel digital isolators with isoPower, an integrated, isolated DC to DC converter. Based on the iCoupler technology, the DC to DC converter provides regulated, isolated power, adjustable between 3.15V and 5.25V. Input supply voltages can range from slightly below the required output to significantly higher. This evaluation board provides a JEDEC standard SSOP20 pad layout as well as support for setting the desired output voltage, setting enable control and providing multiple positions for on board loads and bypass capacitors. isoPower devices employ high frequency, high power switching circuits to enable power transfer across chip scale, air core transformers. This evaluation board demonstrates the EMI mitigation techniques required to make a low emissions design.
- IsoPower integrated, isolated DC to DC converter
- Regulated 3.15V or 5.25V output
- Up to 150mW output power
- 105°C high temperature operation
- High common mode transient immunity is greater than 25KV/μs
- Supports SPI up to 15MHz
- Soft start power supply
- Dual DC to 100Mbps (NRZ) signal isolation channels
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