The EVAL-ADUC7060QSPZ是一个开发 系统s 用于the 评估 of the ADuC7060 precision 模拟微控制器s incorporating 高性能multi-channel 24bit sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) 模拟to 数字converters (ADCs), 16位/ 32位ARM7TDMI MCU,和闪存/EE存储器. The quick start plus kits 用于the ADuC706x precision 模拟微控制器s feature true non-intrusive JTAG emulation和an assembly & C-source debugging environment. This套件is intended 用于any new users who want to have a comprehensive 硬件 开发 environment. The ADuC7060 contains an ARM7TDMI core, 32KB of 闪存, 4KB of SRAM, dual 24bit sigma-delta (Σ-Δ) ADCs,和a 12位 DAC as well as many other features. This 评估电路板 allows a user to program the ADuC7060 via the JTAG or the UART 接口s. The user may also debug their source code through the JTAG 接口.
- 2层PCB (4英寸 × 5英寸形状因数)
- 9V 电源稳压接至3.3V和2.5V电路板
- 4引脚 UART针座 连接至Rs232接口线缆
- 20引脚标准JTAG连接器
- 32.768KHz 水晶手表用以驱动PLL时钟
- ADR280 1.2V外部参考芯片
- 复位, 下载, IRQ0按钮
- 电源指示/通用LED
- 可接入来自外部针座的所有模数转换器输入和数模转换器输出
工业, 传感与仪器, 系统监控